How Do You Grill a Steak

How Do You Grill a Steak

Posted by Donkey Long Tong on

Mastering the Flame with Donkey Long Tong's Grill Tongs

As the sun begins to set on summer, the tantalizing smell of grilled steak wafts through neighborhoods across America. Labor Day Weekend is around the corner—a final hurrah before the cool autumn breeze takes over. It's the perfect time to sharpen your grilling skills, and we at Donkey Long Tong are here to help you do just that. So, grab your hand-crafted grill tongs, fire up the grill, and let's dive into the art of grilling the perfect steak.

The Foundation: Choosing Your Steak

how to choose a cut of steak diagram cow

Before you even think about the grill, you’ve got to pick the right steak. Whether you're a fan of ribeye, sirloin, or a juicy T-bone, the quality of the cut is key. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Ribeye: Known for its rich marbling and juicy flavor, ribeye is perfect for those who love a tender, flavorful steak.
  • Sirloin: A leaner cut with a bit more chew, but still packed with flavor. Great for those who prefer a steak that’s a bit more substantial.
  • T-Bone/Porterhouse: The best of both worlds with a tenderloin on one side and a strip steak on the other. Ideal for the indecisive steak lover.

No matter which cut you choose, make sure it’s well-marbled. The fat interspersed within the meat is what gives the steak its juicy, flavorful goodness when grilled.

Prepping the Steak: Seasoning Like a Pro

Now that you've got your steak, it's time to season it. Here’s where simplicity shines:

  1. Salt and Pepper: A good steak doesn't need much more than coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper. Apply generously on both sides to enhance the natural flavors.
  2. Optional Extras: Want to add a little extra flair? Consider a garlic and herb rub, a splash of olive oil, or a dash of smoked paprika. Just don’t go overboard; the steak is the star.

Once seasoned, let your steak rest at room temperature for about 30 minutes. This allows the seasoning to penetrate the meat and ensures even cooking.

Getting the Grill Ready: The Perfect Heat

Grilling a steak is all about control. You want to create a crust on the outside while keeping the inside tender and juicy. Here’s how to set up your grill for success:

  1. Charcoal Grills: Arrange the coals on one side of the grill for two-zone cooking. You’ll have a hot side for searing and a cooler side for finishing the steak. This method gives you more control over the cooking process.
  2. Gas Grills: Preheat your grill on high. Once it’s blazing hot, reduce one side to medium-low to create your two zones.

Ready to try something a bit more adventurous? Cooking a steak over an open fire is the ultimate way to connect with your inner grill master. Here's how to do it:

  1. Build Your Fire: Start by building a strong, steady fire with hardwoods like oak or hickory, which burn longer and hotter. Let the flames die down until you’re left with glowing embers. This ensures even cooking without the risk of burning the outside while the inside remains raw.
  2. Create a Cooking Zone: Push the coals to one side to create a two-zone fire—a hot zone for searing and a cooler zone for finishing the steak. Place a grill grate over the embers, and let it heat up.
  3. Sear the Steak: Place your seasoned steak directly over the hot coals. Using your trusty Donkey Long Tong grill tongs, sear each side for 2-3 minutes until you achieve a beautiful crust.
  4. Finish Over Indirect Heat: Move the steak to the cooler side of the grill and cover with a lid or tent with foil. Let it cook to your desired doneness, flipping once with those tongs.
  5. Rest and Enjoy: Once done, let the steak rest for 5-10 minutes to allow the juices to redistribute. Then, slice it up and enjoy the smoky, charred flavors that only a real fire can deliver.

Cooking steak over a fire adds a rustic, smoky flavor that’s hard to beat. Plus, it’s a great way to impress your guests during a camping trip or backyard cookout.

A pro tip: Before you slap that steak on the grill, brush the grates with a bit of oil to prevent sticking. And don't forget your Donkey Long Tong grill tongs—designed for precision and comfort, they make flipping your steak a breeze. Don’t have a pair of the best grill tongs in the entire world? What a pity. There’s good news though, you can grab a pair in our online shop!

best grill tongs

The Sear: Creating the Perfect Crust

Here’s where the magic happens. The goal is to get that beautiful, caramelized crust that makes steak lovers swoon.

  1. Searing: Place your steak on the hottest part of the grill. Don’t move it around—let it sear for 3-4 minutes on each side. This is where those grill tongs come in handy. You want to flip with precision to avoid tearing the meat or losing those tasty juices.
  2. Cross-Hatch Marks: For that professional look, give your steak a quarter turn halfway through searing on each side. This will create those Instagram-worthy crosshatch grill marks.

The Finish: Cooking to Perfection

After searing, it’s time to move your steak to the cooler side of the grill to finish cooking. The key here is to monitor the internal temperature for your desired level of doneness:

  • Rare: 120-125°F (Cool red center)
  • Medium Rare: 130-135°F (Warm red center)
  • Medium: 140-145°F (Warm pink center)
  • Medium Well: 150-155°F (Slightly pink center)
  • Well Done: 160°F and above (Little or no pink)

Use a meat thermometer for accuracy. Insert it into the thickest part of the steak without touching the bone for the most reliable reading. And remember, the steak will continue to cook a bit after you take it off the grill, so pull it off when it's about 5°F below your target temperature.

The Rest: Letting the Steak Relax

You've worked hard to get that steak just right—don’t ruin it by cutting into it too soon. Let your steak rest for about 5-10 minutes after removing it from the grill. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, ensuring every bite is as juicy as possible.

The Sizzle: Adding a Final Touch

While your steak rests, consider adding a finishing touch that will elevate it to the next level:

    1. Compound Butter: A pat of herb butter melted over the top of the steak can add a luxurious touch. Try a mix of butter, garlic, and fresh herbs like thyme or rosemary.
    2. Grilled Lemon: For a zesty twist, squeeze a grilled lemon over your steak just before serving. The acidity cuts through the richness of the meat, creating a balanced flavor profile.
  • Homemade Peppercorn Sauce: Check out a delicious peppercorn sauce recipe here.
  • how do you grill steak

    The Feast: Enjoying the Fruits of Your Labor

    Now comes the best part—digging in! Whether you're celebrating Labor Day Weekend with family and friends or just treating yourself to a well-deserved feast, your perfectly grilled steak is sure to impress.

    Pair your steak with classic sides like grilled vegetables, a fresh salad, or creamy mashed potatoes. And don’t forget the drinks! A bold red wine or a cold craft beer complements the flavors of a grilled steak beautifully.

    The Tools: Why Donkey Long Tong Grill Tongs Are a Must-Have

    At Donkey Long Tong, we believe that the right tools make all the difference. Our hand-crafted grill tongs aren’t just about looks—they’re designed for functionality, durability, and comfort. Here’s why they’re a game-changer for your grilling experience:

    1. Precision Handling: The unique design of our grill tongs allows for precise control, so you can flip and move your steak without losing juices or flavor. Our tongs are 27 inches long! This helps to give you control and also prevents you from burning your hands while grilling. The head is uniquely shaped to allow you to slide under the steak and have ultimate control and ease when handling your meat. 
    2. Durability: Made from high-quality materials, our tongs are built to last. Whether you're grilling for a crowd or just for yourself, these tongs can handle the heat—literally.
    3. Comfortable Grip: Ergonomically designed for comfort, our tongs make grilling easier on your hands, even during extended cookouts.
    4. Versatility: While they’re perfect for steak, our tongs are also great for flipping burgers, turning vegetables, or handling any other grilled goodies.

    the best grill tongs

    This Labor Day Weekend, make sure your grill station is equipped with the best tools. Donkey Long Tong grill tongs are a must-have for anyone serious about their BBQ game.

    Get Your Grill On

    So, how do you grill a steak? With confidence, the right techniques, and the best tools at your disposal. As you fire up the grill this Labor Day Weekend, remember that the perfect steak is all about balance—balancing heat, timing, and those all-important finishing touches.

    And if you're looking to up your grill game even further, make sure you’ve got Donkey Long Tong grill tongs in hand. After all, great grilling isn’t just about the meat; it’s about the tools that help you bring out the best in every bite.

    Happy grilling! Enjoy the holiday weekend, and may your steaks be juicy, your grill marks perfect, and your tongs always trusty.


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